British League of Help - 2nd Annual Report (Dec 1921)
75 British towns have adopted 97 towns and villages in France, including:
WORCESTER - Gouzeaucourt
- £655 9s 9d collected
- £400 spent on windmill, pump and engine
- Balance to be invested to provide annual prizes “Prix Worcester” for the best girl and boy of the year in the schools, and
- also for the purchase of books, suitably inscribed, for the village library.
EVESHAM - Hébuterne
- £600 collected
- Gifts to the value of £550 sent
- Balance sent to Mairie for the benefit of old people
HALIFAX - Metz-en-Couture
- £700 collected
- £100 remitted for necessitous cases
- Loan of £5000 (250,000 FF) offered
STOURBRIDGE - Grandcourt
- Over £500 collected
- Gifts, including agricultural implements sent.
MALVERN - Landrecies
- £380 in hand
- Aiming at £500 to help rebuild a wing of the hostel at Landrecies.
- Parcels of goods to the value of £50 - £60 to be sent.